Saturday, March 17, 2012

February and March review

Well I must confess that I left forex trading for a while. It seems I am not so good how I thought I was in reading price action. With trending market conditions it seems okey, but when it comes dealing with ranges or trending ranges I am failing to make consistent profits. Maybe I  forgot some content from price action trading books and got "little" emotional after loss streak, or maybe I got tired from "not making money" with pressure to make xxx for a living, maybe that drowdawn is caused by my health problems... In short - objective, patient, calm mindset is gone away again - it's worst thing in my trader's life, it's like trading depression. So after January consistent profits I got February consistent loss(both months left me with small total loss), and I decided to put forex trading to the side for some time, until I manage to make some consistent income from bf horses to save for a living and until strong inside motivation to trade forex will come back. Some shitty market reads ...

It still remembers me how inconsistent I am. Sometimes it's funny then I can notice periods of "how good I am in reading markets, how clearly I can see what is happening and making calm objective decisions and  consistent profits" and true opposite "can't see nothing and getting emotional".  I believe these mindset's shifts makes all the difference of being winner or loser. I am sure that time will come when I will dive again to the full time trading/learning forex markets :) But first let's make some consistent results in trading bf horses, here is last Chelt week's PL - with a new record per one market +84.18. I wish that Cheltenham festival lasts whole year ...
Total profit is not huge, but most importantly results was consistent and I am very happy of that. Summer is coming closer and closer, stagnation from a winter time is going away and I believe I will manage to make some nice green. After these green days/weeks/months I am gonna start to look back to part time forex trading too. Maybe 3 days forex and 3 days bf horses in a week.

Few more things to say - I am getting fat! I got more 10kg on my ass and belly after I quit smoking 3 months before, but I am very happy and proud that I did it! In summer time weight will get down for sure. When things is not going so good, I always remember myself  "at least you stopped smoking" :) One more thing to say that next week I will have my nose surgery at last, and I am expecting that chronic sinusitis/infection will leave me for all time. I have hypothesis that my health problems causes my trading inconsistent periods... when you don't feel healthy how can you hope to achieve something? Particularly in so competitive trading arenas.

That's it, have a nice and green day.

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